Friday, October 7, 2011

Google and Samsung delay announcement of Nexus Prime

Well some sad news for those that were looking forward to the big announcement on tuesday Oct 11th like i was. Samsung and Google have decided to delay the new with the following statement "We agree that it is just not the right time to announce a new product. New date and venue will be shortly announced."
This is what i think, with the news and features of the new iPhone 4S Google and Samsung have decided to revamp the software of Ice Cream Sandwich to compete with IOS 5 ( Or at least i Hope)
Android already has great voice features but they are not up to par with SIRI so they of course will try to upgrade the features. Yeahhh for competition.
What features do you want to see in the new Ice Cream Sandwich Android release??
Leave comments below

Will you get the iPhone 4S

So with the pending launch of the iPhone 4S who's on board to get this phone?? Is it enough chnage for you to use up that coveted "upgrade"?? will you be surprised when they launch the real Iphone 5 sometime next year? ( you know they will). or will you hold out for now and see what next year will bring?? The best deal right now is the $99.00 Iphone 4 as it will be getting the IOS 5 update anyway, so you get most of the new features just that you wont have the SIRI assistant and the 1080p video, 8mp cam. Some things to think about.

As always leave your comments and thoughts below

Xbox 360 Or PS3??

Ok guys big news on the home front, my lovely wife has allowed me to get a new TV yeahhhhh!!!. Anyway keeping in budget we went out and got a nice 60 inch ( yeah i said 60) i was willing to get the 50 but she said no. so 60 it is. Anyway with that on the way i think its time to take back up some gaming. I have had both the xbox 360 and the PS3 before and now i want to get back a console. So do i go with Xbox with the great Kinect or do i go with PS3? Somethings to keep in mind, I already have a blu ray player so that's not a plus for me on the PS3, I have a boxee box for my netflix, and media, so i think what it comes down to will be game play. I love the fact that i dont need a controller to play the xbox, PS3 has their thing to the move but you do have to hold the controller kinda like a wii remote. I do have 2 kids and i'm sure they will want to play on either one.
SO i put it out to you guys give me your thoughts pros and cons if you may on which one i should get.

Thx for your help

Monday, October 3, 2011

Thunderbolt Gingerbread Update....Finally???

HTC Thunderbolt's long-awaited Gingerbread OTA update. It was finally rolling out, which was exciting news for owners of the device -- until it had to be pulled because of some rather significant bugs. The largest of them all was that voicemail notifications no longer worked properly; video chatting through Google Talk was also slightly messed up as well. No word on when we can expect to see it come back with those bugs fixed. Sorry Bobby for pushing you so quickly to get the update hope you are'nt have these problems. We will still have TANGO though.....:-)

Ready for the iPhone Event 2011

Just a reminder of when and where the event will be going on so stay tuned

07:00AM - Hawaii
10:00AM - Pacific
11:00AM - Mountain
12:00PM - Central
01:00PM - Eastern
06:00PM - London
07:00PM - Paris
09:00PM - Moscow
02:00AM - Tokyo (October 5th)

Should I stick with the Bionic??

Ok i love the Bionic so far and have always wanted the next best thing and now i'm there again. iPhone News to be announced tomorrow, Nexus Prime and Vigor all sound so nice. I am pulling my hair out trying to decide if i should take back the bionic as i do have 2 days left before my 14 days are up. OMG i have a disease its called techitis. I will wait to see what the iPhone news is all about and then we will see. Nexus is going to be awesome but 4.5 screen?? i think that one might be too big for me the specs will we great for sure but sooooooo big. The only reasoning behind staying with the bionic and i hope i'm right is since Google bought Moto that we should hopefully not wait ling to see updates as i am looking forward to the Ice Cream Sandwich. Android fans need something to blow apple out the water and I am hoping that Google can come out with some awesome stuff. Well i guess you guys will find out what i decide to do in a few days.

1 Week using the Droid Bionic

Well its been a week using the Lovely Droid Bionic and i must say i have had some fun. Ok lets start with the overall look. It looks great, sleek and fun to hold not alot of difference from my Droid X, except the camera hump is not as pronounced. weight is awesome i expected it to be heavier buy i put it up against my co-workers Thunderbolt and a huge difference. No putting in the extended battery did add some weight to it but again i weighed the Thunderbolt with it regular battery and my Bionic with the extended battery and the Thunderbolt is 6.4oz and the Bionic 6.5oz so a BIG difference there.
Operations overall were smooth, fast and the screen looked great. Snappy and transitions were great. Ran Speed test indoors with about 2-3 bars and got between 13.5-15.5 Mbps on the download and 3.5-6.5 on the upload.(just ran it while i was typing and got 15.99 down and 11.73 up. so great on the speed. I was very excited to get the phone as then i could do video calling but then hit a slump as my wife's DINC2 was having issues. Every app we downloaded to try would have us upside in the camera. it was crazy. eventually i'll get the wife a Bionic and we should be good but in the mean time TANGO seems to work the best.
The only problem i seem to have is that when ever i pull the battery app of my home screen disappear i called customer service and they are aware of it and Moto is working in a fix to come out in November. If you have any questions drop me a comment and i will try and answer for you

I bought the Droid Bionic

Well well I finally bit the bullet and went out and got me the Motorola Droid Bionic. After reading some reviews on it i decided that it was worth the money. Ordered it online and got free overnight shipping, they did not have a case and holster on line so was off to the Store in Arlington Heights IL. Got there and looked around but could not find the holster either. after talking with a manager told me that they had it in stock at the warehouse and would give me free overnight shipping too. PLUS the extended battery was on sale for 50% off costing just $25.00 i couldnt pass that up so i ordered that too along with a car cradle. for the holster and cradle i got an additional 20% off for buying 2 accessories. Sweet . I will post what i think about the Bionic after 1 week.