Nix Gadget Talk
Lets Talk Tech - In My Words
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Current phone (LG G4) to my future phone (Galaxy S6 plus)
Thursday, August 29, 2013
The New Apple Macbook Air
Like i said everything is just a little different and takes some getting used. Took a little while to get me gmail hooked into the mail but now it is all up and running i have no issues. The track pad and scrolling is a tricky but you get used to it, the short cuts and gestures are cool and makes navigating on here super easy, the internet connection is great, battery life about 13 hours on a full charge, all apps and such are running great with no lag.
Well i have only had it for a day so more to come when i have put it through its paces. For anyone out there that has a macbook air what are some cool accessories out there that i can get for my new toy?? Cases, Bags, docks, stands let me know so i can check them out. Well Thanks guys you'll be hearing from me.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Switching from Android to Apple.
Now i know that Android is all about the ability to have it how you want it and apple is not, but while doing my research i have found that if you jailbreak your iPhone you can have most of the things you have in android including widgets. So there goes that argument. The hardware from apple is awesome and the 27 iMac i see in my future looks great, multi gestures with the track pad, Fusion Drive which is a hybrid regular harddrive plus a SSD drive working together to seemlessly let often used applications be put onto the SSD part of the hard drive and then replace them as needed.
Now for all my movie and tv shows that I have and let me tell you I have alot on my harddrives, with the Apple TV3 and Itunes I can have all my media in one spot and stream it to an Apple TV which in the future i see 1 for each of my tv. Which means i can stream from any room.
Ok ok I know there are alot of non belivers out there and will think i am kidding but you stay tuned and see. I will be blogging about the transition from Windows to Mac and from Android to iPhone so let the games begin. Who knows I might be able to convert some of you Android guys after you see my set up.
Leave a comment on if you think i will be able to do it.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
HTC One - The New One
Here come the newest addition the the HTC family the HTC One with a great Machined aluminium shell that incorporates polycarbonate accents.HTC even sourced custom-grade aluminum that's harder than what's found on the iPhone 5. In front are two aluminum bands (top and bottom) separated by a vast sheet of Gorilla Glass 2 covering a gorgeous 4.7-inch 1080p (468 dpi) Super LCD 3 display.Dont forget "Beats" audio on board too to give that stereo speaker sound.The back of the device is home to the main UltraPixel camera and a single LED flash.
The HTC One is powered by Qualcomm's newly minted quad-core 1.7GHz Snapdragon 600 paired with 2GB of LP-DDR2 RAM and 32 or 64GB of built-in storage,Wireless functionality includes WiFi a/ac/b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0 with aptX, GPS / aGPS, NFC and DLNA.
Stateside, Sprint, AT&T and T-Mobile will also offer 4G versions of the fresh handset -- but none have mentioned pricing or availability, yet. Sorry Verizon you will have to keep the Droid DNA no HTC One for you guys.
Galaxy Note 8 Its here baby

Well i have been waiting for something like this for sure as i was contemplating on getting the Galaxy Note 10.1 but who what such a big thing now a days and with the iPad Mini you know this was coming and i love it, oh by the way they fixed a little issue I had with the Note too where the Spen would not work on the Menu and Back buttons on the phone now you can use the spen. Also it will be rocking a nice big battery at 4600 mAh my only gripe is that its not shipping with Android 4.2 it still has the 4.1.2 which i have on my Note and if its not coming with it when am i going to get it on my Note??
I guess only time will tell. Wow so many choices but we have to see how pricing goes and exactly when it will be available.So what is on your list to buy?? A new Windows 8 tablet?? iPad Mini?? Or something along the like of the Galaxy Note 8?? Leave a comment and let me know what you think.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Chrome Book - Is this the Future??
Ok Acer just announced starting Today they will start selling a their Acer C7 Chromebook for a low low $199. If you ever considered getting a Chromebook with this price how can you say no?? Here is what you get 11.6’’ (1366x768) display ■1 inch thin – 3 lbs / 1.4 kg ■3.5 hours of battery1 ■Intel® Core™ processor ■100 GB Google Drive Cloud Storage2 with 320 GB Hard Disk Drive ■Dual band Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n and Ethernet ■HD Camera ■3x USB 2.0 ■1x HDMI Port, 1x VGA port
As you can see you not only do you get 320GB hard drive but you also get 100GB of Cloud storage free for 2 years. I must say im not truly convinced of the Chromebook but with everything being in the cloud why not?? The Chromebook uses google Chrome OS and is all web based. It pretty much a big android phone so we have all these apps that help with our productivity so it should be a easy move right?? Google Docs take the place of your Office Suite and can do all those things and with google drive you can save all you docs in the cloud and pull them up where ever you have an internet connection. No more leaving your stuff at home and not have access.
Music can be streamed using any of the many internet based services out there like Pandora, Slacker, Rdio, IHeart Radio as well as your Google Music collection. Photo editing can be done with apps out there. I sure hope Santa gets me this for Christmas (wink wink) to the wife :-) and then i can do a more indepth review of these Chromebooks for you guys and see if its the wave of the Future.
For more info please see the link below.
Galaxy Note 2 my impressions
Love the feature where you can cut any picture out with your Spen and either email it or send it as a text message. Taking screen shots are so easy by holding down the SPen button and the pen to the screen for a couple seconds and there you have it a screen shot that you can write on and share with all your friends, either facebook or messaging. I find myself sending more emails and messages because i can make notes on a photo before i send it. The air view feature is great to look at pictures and videos but i really dont find myself using it that often. I do however like how the gallery for your photo's has options to view them either the classic way, time line or the lovely spiral view see pics below
Lets talk Camera and Video. The phone takes awesome pictures with a ton of functions to make it awesome. For fast moving shots try the burst shot that will take 6 shots at once, best faces also takes a few shot at once so you can as you can imagine use the best faces to come up with an awesome photo. You have paranorma, low light mode,and the one i love is where you can use your voice to say "smile" and the camera takes the shot.
Video is the usual suspects apart from the awesome Slow Motion mode. Here you can make some great slow motion movies simply by selecting "slow Motion" and start shooting. Its great to show to your friends.
Ok for sure when you first show off this phone you will get the usual reactions of how big this phone is, but once they hold it and start to play with it a little you came to see how smooth it runs and how fast the apps pull up and run with out a hiccup. 20 mins later after they finally give you back your phone they are really considering getting one also. My brother in-law who has always been a apple wanna be fan boy and loves his ITunes and is always fine tuning it told me that after seeing this phone he is really thinking of jumping on the Android band wagon. And thats a Big wow if anyone knows him. Two days ago he told me he signed up for a google account and started putting his music collection up to Google Music. Just so he can get ready for his eventual move to the Galaxy Note 2 .
Battery Life - Well with a 3100Mah battery you get a full day of regular use and i find myself not having to charge my phone during the day (it is a very hard habit to break) I keep a charger in my office because i am so used to everytime im in there to just plug it in and charge it, same goes for when i'm in the car and plugging it in. I have attached a screen shot of my battery usage where i am at almost 14 hours with the phone off the charger and i still have 53% of my battery left so as you can see you can make a full day easy.
Anyway with all these features on this phone i would be here all day talking about stuff so if there is anything you want me to cover drop me a comment or shoot me an email and i will cover it in another post so for now seeya.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
XBOX Smartglass and Microsoft Ecosystem
I must say I was a little hesitant about this new smart glass tech that Microsoft came out with but now that it's here and I actually used it I think I might have to rethink this Microsoft ecosystem.
First off I was a beta tester for the new xbox 360 update so for weeks I have been playing with the features like Internet Explorer on the xbox and it worked well, it was smooth and fluid not to mention having a 60 inch monitor to surf the Web is just plain awesome. But to have to use the 360 controller was sort of a pain. Well with the release of the new Windows 8 operating system here comes all the cool things for their ecosystem such as the smartglass app for android.
mind you I have only played with it for a day and have to say I am impressed not only can it work over your home wireless network but you can also use it over other networks such as your cellular connection. It just works, mind you its not as smooth as if it were on your home network but it works just the same. Scrolling through Web pages zoom in and out on your Android phone, type in Web pages on your phone and it shows up on the xbox, let's not forget if you have a kinect (like I do) just say 'xbox' and there a lot of voice controls you can use also. If you have an xbox 360 I say jump on there and download the latest version of the software and have some fun oh xbox live membership is needed for these functions of course.
With all these functions working so well it makes me think about all the cool hardware that is coming out such as the Nokia Lumia 920 and the new Surface Tablets from Microsoft. So I went back looked at the Nokia 920 keynote as well as some Surface reviews on YouTube and have to say it has me really thinking about giving Microsoft a shot in the coming year. I remember when Android was in this stage, when they only had so many apps in their app store but look at them now. So this might be a new beginning for Microsoft and their line. And with the ecosystem of Windows 8 I just want to see how they deal with future updates. And let's hope we don't have to wait months for the a release of the most recent software like we do now for Android, that's what really bugs me about android.
Anyway enough ranting for one day look out for more posts coming soon.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 August 24
Samsung Galaxy Note II Launching In Both White And Gray On October 24th? | | TmoNewsTmoNews
Hit the link above for some recent news if you're on TMO like me and waiting for the Note 2
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
T Mobile and Metro PCS merger.
Well folks its in the works T-Mobile and Metro PCS are in talks to merge. Metro PCS to get 1.5 billion our of this. T-Mobile to retain 76% share and Metro PCS 24% more to come later